Isn't finding the luxury you're used to... hard?Struggling to get the same level of quality into your life, before the world went sideways. We can't transport you back to Monte Carlo...
I know how you feel. You want to be back on the beach, drinking cocktails by the pool, listening to great music, eating incredible food.
You walk past another couple, traveling, seeing the world, drinking in life, awash in the love and amazement of a tropical drink on a tropical island with friends and family.
And when you exchange 'The Nod,' you know they know, that you know how amazing that moment is for everyone.
Standing on the private beach bar. Or sipping cocktails on a boat in the Mediterranean. Or riding the Orient Express. Or taking that private flight to catch 'once in a lifetime' skiing.. Or in the back of a private car on the cyprus-lined streets of Tuscany.
But… At heart, luxury travel was always about sending a message to yourself.
You are worth it. Nice things come with hard work, and you have done the work.
Luxury is a love note to yourself. It’s a way of identifying and rewarding the part of yourself that strives for excellence.
It’s not about money. It’s about what money does for you.
I don’t know about you, but most everyone we know has moved to acquiring their favorite things about luxury travel and bringing them into their home or office until we are free to roam about the world again…
That’s where I come in…
My name is Nabih. I am an Importer of luxury goods.
I normally work in other import markets, but so many people asked me….
“Nabih, can you help us replace the luxury we are used to?”
I felt compelled to help them.
My family has a long history importing goods.
In the 17th century, my family produced thebest quality of leather. They dominated the leather industry in Northern Africa and Southern Europe for more than a century.
I come from a long line of artisans and craftsmen who strived to always create the best.
Patrick Font makes fruit juices and nectars fom the exceptional fruits grown on his family farm in Southeast France.
Today, the Patrick Font name is legendary for its quality and craftsmanship.
The secret is traditional French production methods.
Fruits are chosen based on three guidelines:
1. Provenance
2. Terroir and variety, and
3. Sustainable agriculture.
Fruits are processed at the height of their ripeness. A traditional press is still used today to extract pure juices. All fruits are cold-pressed for maximum quality.
Estiva Collection is proud to to import Patrick Font Juice & Nectar.
How about a Spanish Blonde Orange Juice Cocktail?
• 3 drops Bittermens Hellfire Habanero Shrub or Scrappy's Firewater Bitters
• 3 oz Patrick Font Orange Juice
• 1 oz Campari
• 1 oz Tequila Blanco
• Balance with Champagne
We will solve half your problem…
Estiva Collection will get the luxury into your hands.You just need to find a way to sit back and enjoy, so you can get those rewards you deserve for working so hard.
When you bring the luxury back in your life, you will feel like you are treating yourself to the luxury you deserve.
Cheers, friends.