Evening Juice - Estiva Collection

Evening Juice

October 14, 2020 2 min read

Evening Juice

Imagine arriving home from work. Weary from a long day of meetings, spreadsheets, and putting out the day's fires. You float to the kitchen as if you don't even feel the steps, open the fridge, and reach for a cold, crisp drink; something to quench the thirst, but also to begin settling into your evening in style. You make your selection and carefully pour it into the perfect glass, the alluring aroma and velvety texture welcoming your senses like the dew on parched flowers. Transporting your beverage to your favorite ergonomic recliner, you set it down on the side table, and strike up some mood music - something to relax the mind and uplift the soul. As you loosen your tie and sink into your chair, you realize that despite all the stress of the day, you always have your evenings with a relaxing drink to unwind.

What's the drink? Juice. Evening juice.

Patrick Font premium, handmade, cold-pressed French juices and nectars are extraordinary; as satisfying as a stemless glass of cabernet, a dram of fine Scotch whiskey, or the perfect tulip of cognac.

Making a cocktail with Patrick Font juices and a favorite spirit is certainly an experience like no other, and at times, that's the call, but for those times when the bite of alcohol isn't warranted or a clear head is preferred, a glass of evening juice - straight, on the rocks - is absolutely perfect.

And for those who don't or can't drink - those with allergies, youth, addiction, or aversion - there's nothing better than relaxing with a merlot grape juice, a Bergeron apricot nectar, or a rare Victorian pineapple juice.

Sip. Sip. Repeat. Enjoy.

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